Certificate Course in Computer Programming ( CCP )

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Intakes : April

Duration : 4 months

Rs 0.00/=

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Entry Requirement

Entry Qualification : G.C.E (O/L) or G C E (A/L) with basic familiarity with using a computer. This course is appropriate for: Individuals who are contemplating a career in software development and who wish to understand the fundamentals of computer programming. Professionals, such as managers and technical sales people, who must understand programming concepts and be able to communicate with software developers. End-users, who want to understand advanced programming.

Course Content

  • COMPUTER PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS -Problem-solving process -Algorithmic problem solving approach -Program translation and execution -Integrated Development Environments (IDE) -Lexical elements of a programming language -Control structures -Libraries and services -Functions -Data Structures -File Handling
  • DATABASE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION -Introduction to DBMS -ER Models -Entity Relationship Diagrams -Data Normalization -Database Implementation -Query Languages
  • OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING -Introduction to object oriented programming -Classes and objects -Inheritance -Polymorphism -Working with files
  • GUI PROGRAMMING -Getting Started -Understanding GUI Fundamentals -Exception Handling -Design Windows Form Applications -ADO.NET to Access Data -Crystal Reports with GUI -Creating Install Shield Project
  • Course Fee: LKR 41,000/-

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